​Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
Schlamp Family Medical Clinic is located at 921 1st Avenue in Sulphur, LA 70663.
What are clinic hours?
Office hours are Monday - Wednesday 8:00AM-5:00PM and Thursday & Friday 7:30AM-5PM
How can I set an appointment with Schlamp Family Medical Clinic?
Appointments may be made by calling the office during regular office hours, texting us, emailing us, filling out an appointment request form or messaging your doctor directly through your patient website . In order to allow adequate time, you will be asked the nature of your visit.
Can I walk in and be seen?
YES! Most walk-in's are worked in to the day between regularly scheduled appointments. If our schedule is full, we will schedule an appointment for you.
Its my first visit to your clinic, do I need my medical records from my previous doctor(s)?
If you have seen another physician, it is helpful to have his/her previous office records. A consent for the release of information must be signed (located on Patient Resources page). We will forward this form to your previous physician.
I have to reschedule/cancel my appointment; how do I do this?
Should you find it necessary to change or cancel an appointment, please notify our office within 24 hours by telephone. This courtesy will allow other patients to use that available appointment time.
What do I do if I need after hours care?
When an emergency occurs after hours, please go to the nearest hospital emergency room. After regular office hours if you call the office, our answering service will answer and contact the doctor on call (337-475-0056).
How can I get a question to my Medical Provider?
As long as it is not urgent, you are encouraged use your patient portal (website). You may also call with any questions and concerns. The office staff, physician or nurse practitioner will call you back in a timely manner.
Do you need my insurance information at the time of my visit?
Yes. We require your insurance card at time of service. We will file all claims to our participating insurance groups. Payment of insurance co-pays, deductibles, and all fees NOT covered by your insurance company are expected at the time of service. Fees may be paid by cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Care Credit.
I need a prescription filled.
We encourage you to refill all medications during a regular office visit. If this is not possible, please contact your pharmacy and they will notify us via fax. Please allow three business days for all refills.